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About This Course

The INSIGHT Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a freely accessible Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which promotes high quality, flexible and easily accessible content, in compliance with the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027). All content will be accessible through mobile phones to ensure flexibility The course contains learning material, videos, virtual activities and a community forum which allows interactions and communication between participants and educators. 

All MOOC users will get familiarized with LGBTI+ needs and challenges in healthcare system. Participants will acquire the latest scientific knowledge of LGBTI+ specific health risks and they will gain tools to help tackle discrimination and establish a safe, inclusive and supporting healthcare environment. Awareness will be raised regarding discrimination free and appropriate healthcare provision and communication. The INSIGHT Massive Open Online Course will be available in English, Italian and Greek and will be supporting learners with disabilities. Besides the opportunity to develop new competences, ECTS credits will be offered after the Microlearning Educational Program.

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What you'll learn

  • Provide knowledge to help address wellbeing and physical health issues of LGBTI+ people
  • Empower Healthcare professinal with knowledge of the diversity and needs of LGBTI+ individuals
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MOOC structure:

The course is comprised of 4 modules. Each module’s content is divided in lessons and each lesson is split in Units.

At the beginning of each module there is an introduction video. Between modules participants will be evaluated via a mid-assessment (mid-activity with multiple choice questions), in order to proceed onto the next one.

The MOOC will also include a pre- and post- evaluation form. Participant should score at least 60% of right answers in the post evaluation, in order to download the certificate of attendance, that is automatically generated by the INSIGHT website and signed by the consortium.

MODULE 1: Understanding the LGBTI+ essential terminology - Introduction to relevant inequalities and barriers.  

In this Module, participants will get familiarized with basic LGBTI+ Terminology, the History of LGBTI+ Social Movements, different cultural/ ethnic perspectives and the Legislative progress of LGBTI+ Human Rights. They will learn about the barriers LGBTI+ face when accessing healthcare and they will gain knowledge about the mental and physical health inequalities for LGBTI+ people.

MODULE 2: Help seeking process - “You learn from each other”

In this module, participants will be familiarized with the compounding needs and challenges faced by LGBTI+ individuals across their lifespan, during their youth years and older age. They will get acquainted with the unique difficulties experienced at the intersectionality of LGBTI+ and adolescence, older age, forced migration, and disabilities.


Participants will gain knowledge on the legal framework and fundamental legal principles about the right to health, related to LGBTI+ people and their specific issues. They will learn about the International and European legal scenario about the right to health, specifically as it concerns to LGBTI+ people, related national strategies and measures, suggested legal proposals and they will be familiarized with legal terminology.

MODULE 4: Initiatives and methods regarding Transgender and Intersex individuals

Participants will acquire solid scientific knowledge on key topics regarding transgender peoples’ specific health needs and challenges, as well as the latest guidelines based on which they will be able to provide them with optimum support and knowledgeable care. 

They will also learn about the conditions which define an intersex individual, the unique challenges faced by parents of intersex infants and children, the legal regulations protecting their right for body autonomy and the respective role of healthcare professionals.

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The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

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